Page name: blood forest [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-01-31 05:31:07
Last author: Eyonic
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 4
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Into the darkness you step, trees looming over you, blocking out all but a little sunlight. leaves, debris, bushes, and roots cover the ground, making walking through almost impossible. Animal noises can be heard from the depths, but as far as you can tell there are none near hope. Will you brave the dark depths of this forest so well named Blood Forest?


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-BF: Crystal Fellowship Archive

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2008-10-21 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol I thought you might feel that way *shekes head*

2008-10-21 [Eyonic]: lol ha ha

2008-10-23 [Rook.]: ^.^

I was just thinking...
“To have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, ‘till death do us part…”

why dont people believe in that anymore? *is in a weird mood*

2008-10-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: Because people are afraid, I guess..

2008-10-23 [Rook.]: well.. they shoudlnt be...

2008-10-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: omg what happened to my post? It was there one minute then it wans't..O_o

2008-10-23 [Rook.]: hmmm... repost it

2008-10-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: I put it back up

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol How does Gabriel keep climbing them when he is 14 and almost as tall as them. XD

2008-10-29 [Rook.]: he;s short and we are tall :P

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: :P He's 5'4" Poe is 5'7" and Cephas is 6 foot. Him climbing Cephas I can kind of see..

2008-10-29 [Eyonic]: he fire demon and vampire now?

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: XD maybe..

2008-10-29 [Rook.]: yes... unless he changes his mind :P Fine then, I'll change his heaight.

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol you do that. I don't know, he could be a regular demon instead of fire demon

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: XD Hey, Lex, Courtney says HI!!!!!! lol

2008-10-29 [Rook.]: is courtney on here?? HI COURTNEY!!!

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: NO lol I talking to her on AIM

2008-10-29 [Rook.]: ooooh. well, tell her i said hello.

2008-10-29 [Rook.]: wow.. this is going to be a rREALYL long post....

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: Sorry, lol talking to Courtney at same time on AIM

2008-10-29 [Frost-:-Wing]: btw she wants to know how you are doing

2008-10-29 [Rook.]: tell her im doing great ^^

2008-10-31 [Eyonic]: wow you changed your name...

2008-10-31 [Rook.]: yeah....

2008-10-31 [Rook.]: I'm sorry

2008-10-31 [Eyonic]: why sorry?

2008-11-03 [Rook.]: because i change my name alot

2008-11-03 [Eyonic]: so? I don't care that you do that, I just noticed it and spoke my mind lol

2008-11-03 [Rook.]: ^^ lol... wow... Snow needs to get on adn post...

2008-11-03 [Eyonic]: hardy har har, I agree wit' ye matey!

2008-11-03 [Rook.]: *groawls and stalks in circles* I'm gonna pouncey on him.

2008-11-11 [Frost-:-Wing]: sorry doodz But I am on now. :P

2008-11-11 [Rook.]: *pounces* I'ms still gonna pouncey on you... but yay!!! *bounces* welcome back

2008-11-11 [Frost-:-Wing]: Thankies :D *is pounced on* I expected this.

2008-11-11 [Rook.]: ^.^ :P meanie *piouts* well.. POST you BLODDY FREAKIN PRSON!

2008-11-11 [Frost-:-Wing]: I posted

2008-11-12 [Eyonic]: i get soo left behind...:( all well

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: Sorry, Eyo. You could always pop in. Not much

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: indeed. it took three days for snow to post :P

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: HUH? Did not...:P

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: I was away from my computer for a week. So there *nod* lol Ok, it was a while before I could get back on. :P

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: hehehe ^^ my point EXACTLY

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: Oh is it now?

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: grrr you.. dont make me pounce :P

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: Alright I won't. *pounces on Poe*

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: ACK!!!!! *is pouinced on*

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: ^^ revenge taste like a bananna

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: 0.o

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: No, revenge

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: okies. that makes more sense

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: Yes, yes it does.

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: XD I never said "Poe taste like a bananna." :P

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: ewww... i prefer chocolate.

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: You no like bananas? Chocolate is good!

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: I watched a movie last night called "Joe's apartmrnt" It is hilarious. It was a 'lil weird in the beginning but it got really funny.

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: lol never heard of it

2008-11-12 [Eyonic]: ho no!!!!! a new trainee!!! *gasps on horror*

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol I just heard this song by Rihanna: Please don't stop the weird

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: ^^ lol
Yes, a new trainee... and you can do whatever you want ^^ :P

2008-11-12 [Eyonic]: uh oh....

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: _> That doesn't sound good..

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol

2008-11-12 [Eyonic]: lol

2008-11-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: haha

2008-11-12 [Rook.]: hehehe

2009-01-10 [Eyonic]: *is lost in the rp now...been gone too long*

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: Sorry Eyo :( Poe and Cephas just decided to get some more slaves is all and Poe went to a tribe in a canyon. And that's where we are now. I got shot by another poisonous dart by some of the tribes warriors...

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: and then blamed it on me

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: Hey, it was lohical, he saw you throw it and hit him but didn't see hear or feel it being thrown from behind him. :P

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: U*rolls eyes* shut up and post.

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: it's true. *nodnod*

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: btw what is smeely?

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: smelly

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol smeely I smile everytime I say it. or smeel XD

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: *rolls eyES*

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: *smeels*

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: *pokes*

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: *brains fall out*

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: oh my

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: OH MY WORD *gasp*

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: what?

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: <img:stuff/BR-GIF.gif>

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: oh my.... RPNOW...tehn tell me what your nerdsexwanna be face is for

2009-01-12 [Frost-:-Wing]: idky

2009-01-12 [Eyonic]: lol

2009-01-12 [Rook.]: ok

2009-01-16 [Lady Arrianya]: ok then...*got the wrong impression after getting lost*

2009-01-16 [Rook.]: *laughs* thank pete for that

2009-04-23 [Lady Arrianya]: lmao oki oki i shall

2009-04-23 [Rook.]: ^^ you coming back Anya?

2009-04-23 [Frost-:-Wing]: uhm...that reply was a little late :P

2009-04-23 [Lady Arrianya]: idk...i am having issues atm

2009-04-24 [Rook.]: *hugs* with what, dearest?

2009-04-24 [Lady Arrianya]: alot of things always

2009-04-24 [Rook.]: *hugs*

2009-04-24 [Lady Arrianya]: *hugs back*

2009-04-24 [Rook.]: *nuzzles* I'm here for you, you nderstand?

2009-04-24 [Lady Arrianya]: yesh i does./..oh an i has more of my poetry up finally

2009-04-24 [Rook.]: I kniow ^^ I saw

2009-07-01 [Frost-:-Wing]: WOOT time for a new charry :D he is still in the making though :P

2009-07-02 [Rook.]: *nods*

2009-07-09 [Eyonic]: ...*has missed too much*

2009-07-13 [Lady Arrianya]: *has also missed much*

2009-07-13 [Eyonic]: *sigh*

2009-07-17 [Frost-:-Wing]: It's all actually just random stuff XD

2009-07-21 [Lady Arrianya]: i have noticed....

2009-07-21 [Frost-:-Wing]: :P

2009-08-05 [Lady Arrianya]: lol

2009-09-03 [Frost-:-Wing]: oh cool beans

2009-09-03 [Frost-:-Wing]: It's just a mind control thingy not an IM :P

2009-09-03 [Rook.]: mind control with an attitude :P

2009-09-03 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol

2009-09-03 [Rook.]: ^.^

2009-09-03 [Frost-:-Wing]: ya loon :P

2009-09-03 [Rook.]: you're the loon.

2009-09-03 [Frost-:-Wing]: :P

2009-09-04 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol get it? mary queen of snots. mary queen of scots XD

2009-09-11 [Lady Arrianya]: O.o

2009-09-11 [Rook.]: Yeah >> blame Lord tough-stuff over there >.<

2009-09-14 [Frost-:-Wing]: Yea, blame me for making it exciting

2009-09-14 [Rook.]: ^.^ no problem.

2009-09-14 [Frost-:-Wing]: uhmm..ouch O.o

2009-09-15 [Lady Arrianya]: *giggles and pokes Schnee then poe* there excitement created sucsessfully *runs for it*

2009-09-15 [Rook.]: *grins and changes into a falcon, chasing anya* 6.^

2009-09-15 [Frost-:-Wing]: I hate when you two team up on me XD

2009-09-15 [Rook.]: *grins* Tis what Anya and I do best. we're inseperable!

2009-09-16 [Lady Arrianya]: *giggles and barks in agreement, shifting quickly into a great owl and soaring upward with poe in pursuit, her wing-beats seeming very loud in comparison with my silent ones*                           

2009-09-18 [Eyonic]: *whistles innocently to self as sneaking out of the room*

2009-09-18 [Rook.]: Nein!!!!! *dives down and lands in your way* I'm tempted to tackle you, Pup ^.^

2009-09-19 [Eyonic]: eep! nadda tackles me!

2009-09-19 [Rook.]: thats why i said i was TEMPTED.
I know better than to tackle you *air huggles*

2009-09-19 [Eyonic]: tehe okays

2009-09-22 [Lady Arrianya]: *floats over Poe and Pup, flipping a wing across Poe's head then dive bombing Skippy*

2009-09-22 [Rook.]: anya. albert doesn't quite understand the way you feel people out. please, tone it down a bit ^.^ *tugs you down*

2009-09-24 [Lady Arrianya]: aw man....*hits the ground with a thump and shifts back to wolf form*

2009-09-24 [Eyonic]: *get's left behind* :(

2009-09-24 [Rook.]: you are never left behind Pup.

2009-09-24 [Frost-:-Wing]: I thought you were gonna say " I FOUND THE ORC CAMP" lolz

2009-09-25 [Lady Arrianya]: of course not....we are having too much fun bugging you and everyone else for that matter....tis what Poe and I do best *winks and huggletackles pup*

2009-09-25 [Rook.]: *Gasps* uhoh... she touched pup...

2009-09-25 [Lady Arrianya]: ya i did....i like to flirt with danger

2009-09-26 [Eyonic]:  >.<

2009-09-26 [Lady Arrianya]: lol love ya pup

2009-09-29 [Rook.]: yesh we dooo!!! :3

2009-09-29 [Eyonic]: :3

2009-09-30 [Lady Arrianya]: WOW.....WTF HAPPENED TO OUR RP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is slack mouthed, unable to believe her eyes at the fact that the rp is gone*

2009-09-30 [Rook.]: Its all in an archhive at the top of the page. It was taking really long to scroll down :S

2009-10-04 [Lady Arrianya]: *sighs* well so much for what was going on.......

2009-10-05 [Rook.]: nope. it'ss till there. We're jsut waintg for *poke* pete *poke* and his char's *poke* bad *poke* guy! *pokepokepoke*

2009-10-10 [Lady Arrianya]: oh.......*sighs again*

2009-10-10 [Eyonic]: om nom

2009-10-12 [Lady Arrianya]: NOM!!! *dances about with my left hand in the air, the ring flashing in the light* GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS

2009-10-12 [Eyonic]: *looks at own ring, then at anya's* i like mine better

2009-10-13 [Lady Arrianya]: lol i do like yours...i am just happy to have mine

2009-10-13 [Rook.]: *looks at my hand* I don have one....8'(

2009-10-15 [Lady Arrianya]: oki poe.

2009-12-23 [Eyonic]: *eats the rp page*

2009-12-23 [Lady Arrianya]: gee thanks Eyo

2009-12-24 [Eyonic]: hehe ^.^

2009-12-25 [Lady Arrianya]: how are the wedding plans coming for ya pup??

2009-12-26 [Rook.]: PUP ISH GETTING MARRIED?!?!?!!?!!?!!?!?

:3 Where.?!?! WHEN!?!?!?

2009-12-27 [Lady Arrianya]: Dont know where and its not mine to say when.....*starts thinking of her own wedding*

2009-12-28 [Eyonic]: ummm, havent decided on either. kinda waiting on the whole 'being able to afford the wedding' thing.

2009-12-28 [Rook.]: ANYA ISH GETTIN GMARRIED TOO?!?!?!? OMG!
you both come and get married here in my dad's church@!!!

2009-12-28 [Eyonic]: >.> you scares me *runs away*

2009-12-29 [Lady Arrianya]: I am with Pup on that one!! *hides in my own church, suddenly remembering that pup also had to attend the Lutheran church here strangely*

2009-12-30 [Rook.]: what *looks down* I was only offering... t'would be free of charge, an dI'd be able to see you

*cries and runs away to [shisnick990]'s house*

2009-12-30 [Eyonic]: chris is just a wee bit against churches....

2009-12-30 [Lady Arrianya]: lol....Poe dear it is of no offense to you. My fiancee and I want our pastor to do our mairrage and he isnt bonded for out there

2009-12-31 [Eyonic]: so anya....i might have a mini me...

2009-12-31 [Lady Arrianya]: Oh god run!!!

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: can I be an honourary aunty to the mini pup??

2009-12-31 [Lady Arrianya]: lol. Idk if yoou want to do that.....Pup and her wolfy are quite honry to be honest :P (love ya pup)

2009-12-31 [Rook.]: Anya... I've got 6 kids in my family, plus a gaggle that I watch on Tuesdays and wednesday nights that number up to 25 total. I lurve little ones.

2009-12-31 [Lady Arrianya]: lol oki then :P

2010-01-01 [Eyonic]: rookypoo, you should come over then!

2010-01-01 [Rook.]: *grins* Where do you live and I'll see what I can do :)

2010-01-02 [Eyonic]: lol. no, there's a lot of people here to help me out :P. so anya, did you pass?

2010-01-02 [Lady Arrianya]: I did. All is safe on my end*for now*

2010-01-02 [Rook.]: *curls into a poe ball in the corner*

2010-01-02 [Lady Arrianya]: *goes and curls around teh Poe* Me loves you poe!

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: *cuddles lgihtly with anya* I knoes, poe just doesn't feel loved is all.

2010-01-04 [Eyonic]: awww, I wubbles you poe!

2010-01-04 [Rook.]: :3

2010-01-05 [Lady Arrianya]: *cuddles Poe, licking her cheek*

2010-01-05 [Rook.]: O.O!!!! *has been licked*

2010-01-06 [Eyonic]: :3 lulz

2010-01-06 [Rook.]: ^.^

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: lol. I just had too

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: Well, I do probably taste like tic-tacs...

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: actually no.. You taste like cotton candy atm :P

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: really? Awesome! :3

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: LOL

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: *licks anya* nope... you taste like tictacs...

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: rawr...but oki

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: Well, I've been eating tictacs all morning, so yeah ^^ you taste mintyfreshness.

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: lol

2010-01-07 [Rook.]: :)

2010-01-07 [Lady Arrianya]: :P

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